Mike Ralston, LEED AP
Preconstruction Services
Mike is part of the Preconstruction team. His attention to detail ensures budgets are accurate for projects big and small.
About Mike:
Key Projects:
- Brookings County Detention Center Expansion and Remodel
- DEX: Dakota Events CompleX
- Flandreau Santee Sioux Tribal Care Center
- Flatland Trucking
- Good Earth State Park Visitors Center
- GRACO Expansion and Renovation
- Great Plains Zoo
- Great Shots
- Harrisburg Water Reclamation Facility
- J&L Harley Davidson of Fargo
- Lincoln County Courthouse
- Minnehaha County Juvenile Justice Center
- Montgomery’s Furniture
- NDSCS Old Main Renovation
- Raven Engineered Films Division/Aerostar
- Sanford 69th and Louise Ave. Clinic
- Sanford Ortho Expansion + Medical Suites
- Southeast Technical College Simulation Center
- USD Wellness Center
- Washington Square