Recipes - Sioux Falls, SD
Graham Automotive Audi Renovation
Construction of a new, two story sales and showroom addition, including approximately 663 SF high volume product showroom and approximately 1,400 SF of two story sales/management office space. The building addition shall be attached to the existing Graham Automotive-Audi dealership. The project also includes minor interior remodeling of existing spaces within the existing Graham Automotive-Audi […]
Timpte Trailers, Inc.
Construction of an approximately 14,554 SF new sales/service facility in Minnehaha County, South Dakota. Work included improvements to an approximately 5.0 acre site.
Wal-Mart South Sioux Falls
New Wal-Mart store at Minnesota and 85th Street in Sioux Falls, SD.
Great Plains Zoo
The remodel of the Great Plains Zoo was divided into two separate phases. The construction included a new snow monkey exhibit, a remodeled entry and updated museum area. Safety tunnels were fabricated to protect the public and staff from the construction work so the zoo could remain open during the remodel.
Raven Corporate Headquarters
(Phases 1 & 2 and Site Work)
With the completion of the new Applied Technology facility and the division’s subsequent move of manufacturing out of the downtown building, Raven Industries decided to re-purpose their corporate building to house corporate services, human resources, information technology, and engineering/sales support. The makeover occurred in two phases while the building remained occupied.
Vance Thompson Vision
Vance Thompson Vision is a 33,175 sq. ft. medical building designed around the center’s laser cataract surgery technology. Besides a clinic, it includes a surgery center, phone banks and record keepers. The building has 10 lasers for various procedures, including cataract and Lasik eye surgeries. It also includes the new Artisan 57 Skin and Laser […]