Stunning interiors and attractive exteriors provide a competitive advantage for Henry Carlson’s retail construction clients. we use the latest construction technology and communication systems to ensure everything will ready for your grand opening date. Call us today at 605-336-2410 to learn how we deliver more on every project.
Wal-Mart Learning Academy
Renovation of the training center at the North Sioux Falls store […]

Sanford 32nd & Ellis Clinic and Lewis Store
A new 42,000-square-foot multi-specialty clinic that offers family medicine, children’s, OB/GYN, acute care, behavioral health, laboratory, radiology, genetic counseling and home medical equipment. Attached […]

Wal-Mart Remodel Louise Ave.
Renovation of the Wal-Mart on Louise Avenue in Sioux Falls. Work includes renovating offices, employee break room, the pharmacy, grocery area and vision center refresh […]

Sam's Club Remodel
A remodel of the Sam’s Club in Sioux Falls. Work includes renovation of the grocery area, pharmacy, restrooms and snack bar while the store remained open […]

Sturdevant's Warehouse Expansion
Henry Carlson Company constructed the original 110,000 sq. ft. Sturdevant’s building in 1998. Since then, the demand for warehouse space has grown dramatically and the need to expand […]

Wal-Mart Remodel
Remodel of the existing Wal-Mart supercenter retail/grocery facility on Louise Ave. while the store remained open for business […]

Prostrollo Auto Mall - Ford Dealership
Construction of a new Ford dealership to conform to the Ford and General Motors prototype design standards […]

Thatzza Pizza
A new restaurant for the Thatzza Pizza in Sioux Falls. It was built at the Dawley Farms Village Development on the east side of Sioux Falls. The restaurant had a […]

Prostrollo Auto Mall - GM Dealership
Renovation of the existing GM dealership to conform to the Ford and General Motors prototype design standards […]

Montgomery's Furniture
An approximately 25,000 SF addition to the Montgomery’s Furniture store located on 41st Street in Sioux Falls. The addition will house two new stores. A rear entrance (south […]

Graham Automotive Audi Renovation
Construction of a new, two story sales and showroom addition, including approximately 663 SF high volume product showroom and approximately 1,400 SF of two story sales/management office space […]

J&L Harley Davidson of Fargo
A new motorcycle sales and service facility in West Fargo, ND. The facility consists of a showroom/service/storage and a mezzanine […]

Wal-Mart South Sioux Falls
New Wal-Mart store at Minnesota and 85th Street in Sioux Falls, SD […]